
Reach More Patients without the manual work

Tennr automates the messiest parts of your back-office, to get more patients seen without changing the tools you use.

Get Started
And streamline your
Referral Management
Claim Appeals
Benefit Verification
EMR Documentation

Every healthcare workflow
looks something like this.

Healthcare providers are squeezed by labor shortages, clinical staff is stuck behind streams of paperwork and manual data entry, and practices are so overloaded they don't optimize taking on new patients or scheduling existing ones.

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While healthcare providers are stuck doing this work manually, payers side are automating.

All the large commercial payers leverage AI to process claims and fight appeals at scale. Without the same tech, from scheduling to billing  providers are at a disadvantage.

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Automations built for the

Tennr helps you overcome painful admin tasks with custom automations at every step of your process, so you can focus on what matters: seeing patients.

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What Tennr can take care of

Processing Referrals
In-Basket Management
EMR Documentation
Verifying Benefits
Dealing with Rejected Claims
Check this out

Meet the healthcare teams seeing ROI with Tennr

Tangible examples showcasing how Tennr's capabilities can benefit your business.

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Keep your 

Tennr wedges into your existing workflow. You don't have to migrate your EHR, use new tools, or change anything about the way you work.

Intelligence that grows your practice

Tennr gives you visibility into insights you don't have when you do this work manually. For example, identifying your top referral sources so you can strengthen those relationships.

Minimize claim denials

Generate stronger claims and appeals with the same tech that insurance companies are using to deny them.

Overcome labor shortages

Tennr shrinks the amount of people you need to do back-office work, reducing turnover and freeing up your staff to focus on the work they actually want to do.

Expand patient 

Accelerate your intake and clear your patient backlog.

How It Works

Your workflow on autopilot after just one example.

1. Connect your existing tools using just your logins.
2. Build any workflow click-by-click using a powerful suite of no code tools.
3. Run your workflows and validate data with a human-in-the-loop for 100% accuracy.
4. Analyze all the data flowing through your workflows to discover hidden insights about your practice.

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Automate the manual work and keep patients at the center of your practice with Tennr.